The Fortified castle of Saint Jean d'Angle
Fortified castle of Saint Jean d'Angle,
& medieval theme park

2 route de Marennes
17620 Saint Jean d'Angle
Phone : +33 (0)5 46 82 76 03
On-site catering possible !!!
Le château fort de Saint Jean d’Angle sur Facebook !
Le château fort de Saint Jean d’Angle sur TripAdvisor !
Come play with your family
A magical site for children
More than a castle ... a medieval theme park
Medieval garden
Our castle castral motte
An exceptional restoration

Major events at the fortified castle of Saint Jean d'Angle

The Fortified castle and medieval theme park of Saint Jean d'Angle presents its many major events throughout the season :

Easter egg hunt - Immersive visit with a beekeeper form Les Apiers d'Aliénor - Heritage days - Halloween staging at Mélusine castle

Immersive visit with a beekeeper form Les Apiers d'Aliénor
Immersive visit with a beekeeper form Les Apiers d'Aliénor
Immersive visits in beekeeper’s outfit from April to September, on the castle site, come and live an immersive visite into the bees world with les Apiers d'Aliénor. Dates and reservation required on the attached ...
Immersive visit with a beekeeper form Les Apiers d'Aliénor
Meets the bees with  Les Apiers d'Aliénor at fairy Mélusine castle, Rochefort.
Immersive visits in beekeeper’s outfit from April to September, on the castle site, come and live an immersive visite into the bees world with les Apiers d'Aliénor. Dates and reservation required on the attached ...

During the october holydays, come and discover our haunted castle. Come and enjoy a staging with ghosts and other creatures. Scary surprises await children !! From 18th of october to 2d of november. 
Halloween at fairy Mélusine castle,  Rochefort, Royan, Fouras, Saintes, La Rochelle, Ile d'Oléron, Aix in Charente Maritime.
During the october holydays, come and discover our haunted castle. Come and enjoy a staging with ghosts and other creatures. Scary surprises await children !! From 18th of october to 2d of november. 

The treasure hunt !
The treasure hunt !
April 31, the great treasure hunt!  See you at 11:00 AM and 3:30 PM, for the big egg hunts of the fairy Mélusine. 
The treasure hunt !
Easter day at the fairy Mélusine castle, Rochefort, Royan,  Fouras, Saintes, La Rochelle, Ile d'Oléron, Aix, Charente Maritime
April 31, the great treasure hunt!  See you at 11:00 AM and 3:30 PM, for the big egg hunts of the fairy Mélusine. 

Heritage days
Heritage days
On sunday, september 21 from 10:30 am to 7 pm, come and discover our site during the European Heritage Days.  Special admission costs 11,00 euros par adult and 10,00 euros per child between the ages of 4 to 13. 
Heritage days
Heritage days at the fairy Mélusine castle, Rochefort, Royan,  Fouras, Saintes, La Rochelle, Ile d'Oléron, Aix in Charente-Maritime.
On sunday, september 21 from 10:30 am to 7 pm, come and discover our site during the European Heritage Days.  Special admission costs 11,00 euros par adult and 10,00 euros per child between the ages of 4 to 13. 

Fortified castle of Saint Jean d’Angle – Medieval theme park close to Rochefort, Fouras, La Rochelle, Saintes, Royan, Oléron Island – Guided family tours close to Fouras - School tours near La Rochelle – Theme park near Saintes – Theme park close to Royan ...

Visite du château et parc de loisirs de Saint Jean d'Angle en Charente Maritime
Fortified castle & medieval theme park of Saint Jean d'Angle on Facebook !
Fortified castle & medieval theme park of Saint Jean d'Angle on   TripAdvisor !
Contact the fortified castle & medieval theme park of Saint Jean d'Angle !
Location of the fortified castle & medieval theme park of Saint Jean d'Angle !
Fortified castle of Saint Jean d'Angle & medieval theme park - 2 route de Marennes 17620 Saint Jean d'Angle - Phone. +33 (0)5 46 82 76 03
Fortified castle of Saint Jean d'Angle
& medieval theme park
2 route de Marennes
17620 Saint Jean d'Angle
Phone. +33 (0)5 46 82 76 03